Tuesday, February 8

** SIGMA eyes kit brush **

yahoo i got my brushes SIGMA eyes kit ... coming with the black net bag ... i'm so excited to try it. belum smpat nak review .. so buat masa nie copy & paste jer from website ... setiap kegunaan berus :)
SIGMA medium angled shading E70

- angled, tapered, flat top. Ideal to apply highlight shades underneath the eyebrow and on the inner corners. It can also be used for a precise application of darker shades on the crease area. Natural bristles.

SIGMA small angled E65

- berus nie sy guna bila nak buat eyeliner yg mempunyai wings ... hahahahaha nak tahu wings tue mcm mn rajin2 kan lah tgk video klip rihanna :p ... i'm lovin it ... membuat keja sy bertambah senang ...
SIGMA larger shader E60

- flat shape is ideal for application of cream formulas and eye shadow primers. It also works great with loose eye shadows or pigments. Can be used to apply color all over the lid or precisely on the lash line. Natural bristles.

SIGMA pencil E30

- sesuai di guna kan crease, outer V and bila nak smudge kaler bawah mata.

SIGMA tapered blending E40

- best guna utk tmbh colour outer crease ... and blend hars line crease ...
SIGMA eyeliner E05

- serius berus nie sesuai utk cream eyeliner dan untuk apply thin line -_-

SIGMA eye shading E55

- i love this brush coz pick up colour yg bnyk ... so keja jadi senang x perlu dab2 banyk kali kat eyelid ... tak lah bikin sakit kelopak mata ... blk2 nak tambh warna :p

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